
What is the greatest benefit of working with Pegasus?

Bounty’s main benefit of working with Pegasus is having a single system that manages all company and worker information for us. From this we can ensure our workers are compliant to safely work onsite. Another great benefit […] is that we can use Pegasus and create it to our own site standards.


How has using Pegasus improved your business?

We have had improvements in many areas of our business including; managing worker qualifications and competencies to ensure they meet Bounty standards, being able to electronically monitor and control access onto site, having all worker personal information all in the one system, managing fatigue levels, and lots more.



Our inductions: having Pegasus, we have been able to create an online induction from pieces extracted from our onsite familiarisation. This has been a huge advantage for us for many reasons; including that we could cut-down on our onsite familiarisation package as well as giving the workers an insight on Bounty Cook Colliery before they arrive.

Competency management: before Pegasus we had a poorly kept competency matrix system for our workers onsite which we had to manually update, manage and control ourselves. Pegasus helped us improve our competency management system by simply managing it for us. Using the alerts that are sent out automatically for upcoming expiring competencies and running reports for those expired, we were able to track down several contractors who weren’t compliant with Bounty’s standards as a part of their role.


How has Pegasus changed the way your business operates?

Bounty utilises Pegasus for all services it provides allowing the workload to be taken off our employees.

As we are a fairly new business re-opening an old mine, we are still trying to find our feet and Pegasus has certainly been a huge step forward in the way we operate and manage our business.

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